
Current odds
closes: Nov. 27, 2024 @ 6 a.m.

Latest Update: "Wicked" opens Nov 27, 2024. See the preview below. Stay tuned for more updates.

» Your Task: Make your prediction for this film's opening North American box office revenue. Typically we forecast the film's opening weekend, which is usually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. See rules for how we handle films that don't fit this pattern.

» Description: An unlikely friendship emerges between Elphaba and Glinda, two clashing witches in the magical land of Oz. Elphaba is wrongfully cast as a wicked witch as she seeks to expose the fraudulent, corrupt Wizard who rules the land.

» About The Film:
   • Opening: Nov 27, 2024
   • Cast: Cynthia Erivo, Ariana Grande, Michelle Yeoh

» Range of Expectations: See below for past performance data.

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"Wicked" Opening Box Office: How Much Will It Gross? (Opens November 27, 2024)
Market says: $41.22M